Field Competency Selection (FCS) Acceptance of CPNS in the BPS Environment in the Fiscal Year 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Field Competency Selection (FCS) Acceptance of CPNS in the BPS Environment in the Fiscal Year 2018

Field Competency Selection (FCS) Acceptance of CPNS in the BPS Environment in the Fiscal Year 2018

December 7, 2018 | Other Activities

Today (7/12/2018) BPS Jawa Tengah Province is conducting an interview in the framework of the CPNS 2018 acceptance selection. This interview is a series of stage 2 selections namely Field Competency Selection (FCS) consisting of Interviews and CAT systems.
The number of interview participants in the BPS
Jawa Tengah Province was 40 people, who in turn would be interviewed by 1 interviewer team (a total of 8 teams, each team consisting of 3 people) starting at 08.00-16.30 WIB.
Tomorrow (12/08/2018), the same participant will continue the series of BCS with the CAT system held at the UPT BKN Semarang. As we all know that the 1st selection of CPNS 2018 Admission namely Basic Competency Selection (BCS) has been carried out with the schedule 26 October 2018 - 17 November 2018, and Central Java Province BPS carry out the SKD test on 29 October 2018 at the UPT BKN Semarang. The CPNS formation for BPS is a total of 317 with placements in the BPS Central Jakarta and Provincial BPS outside Jawa. Participants who took the BCS test in Central Java were 88 participants, and those who qualified to advance to the next stage were 40 people who were currently interviewing.
The interviewee participants this time looked very enthusiastic. They have been present at the BPS office of the
Jawa Tengah Province since 6:30 a.m., and patiently waited for the call to be interviewed according to each schedule determined by the selection committee. The participants came from the regencies / cities in Jawa Tengah.
We pray, I hope these brothers can take the test well and pass the final stage. With hope and in their hands the future of BPS is put.
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