Reconciliation of Construction Expansion Index (IKK) of Regency / City in Jawa Tengah - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Reconciliation of Construction Expansion Index (IKK) of Regency / City in Jawa Tengah

Reconciliation of Construction Expansion Index (IKK) of Regency / City in Jawa Tengah

April 12, 2019 | BPS Activities

Reconciliation of Regency / City Construction Expansion Index (IKK) in Jawa Tengah will be held on April 11-15 2019 at the Swiss-Bel Inn Hotel, Surakarta City.

Before reconciliation began on Thursday (11/4), facilitators from the sub-directorate of the large BPS trade price statistics, Megaria Jaya and Resti Dwi conducted a field visit accompanied by the Head of the Surakarta City Distribution Statistics Section, Herminawati.

This field visit was conducted to ensure the availability of commodity specifications determined by the Indonesian BPS in calculating IKK.
The IKK is a spatial index so there is a need for uniformity of commodity specifications to obtain inter-city comparability.

Starting from the IKK 2018, Semarang City was made a reference city in calculating IKK nationally. This is of course increasingly a challenge for the BPS Jawa Tengah Province to further improve the quality of IKK data going forward.

#SahabatStatistik want to know the thrill of implementing IKK 2019 Jawa Tengah reconciliation? Check out our next live report ...
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