Regional Instructor Training for the Archipelago Liberation 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Regional Instructor Training for the Archipelago Liberation 2019

Regional Instructor Training for the Archipelago Liberation 2019

March 27, 2019 | BPS Activities

Tourism activities in Jawa Tengah began to grow and develop rapidly, even becoming a trend and lifestyle for the community.

Tourism activities are expected to boost economic sectors such as transportation, culinary, hospitality, creative industries and so on. .
Located at the Grand Artos Hotel, Magelang Regency, BPS Jawa Tengah Province held Regional Instructor Training for the Archipelago Liberation 2019. The training which was opened by the Head of Statistics of BPS Jawa Tengah Province, Arjuliwondo, S.Si, guided by National Instructor Yayan Arum W.

So guys, for those of you who do picnics, tours, or trips anywhere in the archipelago and are selected as samples, thank the BPS officers and answer all the questions honestly and correctly.
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