Improving the Quality of Field Data Collection, Jawa Tengah Province BPS Launches Lakosta - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Improving the Quality of Field Data Collection, Jawa Tengah Province BPS Launches Lakosta

Improving the Quality of Field Data Collection, Jawa Tengah Province BPS Launches Lakosta

January 10, 2025 | BPS Activities

SEMARANG, - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) uses the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) to guarantee the quality of the data and statistical information produced. The data quality assurance process is no exception to the data collection process which involves BPS statistical partners as data collection or field enumeration officers. The current quality assurance system allows inspectors/supervisors to find out the location of officers using an Android-based application developed by BPS Jawa Tengah Province.

Head of Jawa Tengah Province BPS, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih has launched the LAKOSTA (Track Location of Officers) application online on Friday, January 10 2025. LAKOSTA is an application that can ensure the presence and visitation of officers at the location of census/survey respondents. LAKOSTA can record the respondent's location points that have been visited by officers and can show the last location of the officer's visit.

With LAKOSTA, it is also easier for supervisors/supervisors to find out the location of the last respondent visited by officers. This allows the supervisor to go to the officer's location at any time during the data collection. LAKOSTA can also display the number of respondents who have been visited so that officer performance can be monitored according to current conditions.

LAKOSTA is now available on PlayStore.
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