Minister Susi: BPS Data Like Backbone - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Minister Susi: BPS Data Like Backbone

Minister Susi: BPS Data Like Backbone

October 22, 2018 | Other Activities

Absorbed a steady step of a woman entering the Flores Ballroom of Borobudur Hotel, where all heads of BPS regencies / cities in Indonesia gathered, managed to awaken the enthusiasm of the participants who had been present since this morning (10/22). Clap of applause the participants welcomed the woman who succeeded in sinking foreign ships in Indonesia.
She was the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, Susi Pudjiastuti who was present at the Technical Meeting (TM) Head of BPS Regency / City in 2018. Accompanied by Adi Lumaksono, Principal Secretary of BPS, Susi gave a keynote speech at the event. "It's a pity if there are state officials who question the validity of our country's data. Without data, the development will be careless," Susi said excitedly.
Susi claimed that her institution relies heavily on BPS-generated data, especially when the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) is building a MMAF Data. "BPS data to be the initial fulcrum in accessing our performance. Maybe not all are registered but the basic data to take decisions, plans, programs. Applause for BPS," she said.
Minister Susi said that her ranks were racing against illegal fishing. "In a survey conducted by BPS, fisherman households were reduced by almost 50 percent. This is a puzzle that we must fight, illegal fishing," she continued. With the data that has been held, she also takes a policy to fight illegal fishing, one of which is to sink foreign ships.
"The success of the CTF is not possible to be presented to the public if it does not have data. There BPS has an important role. Without these data, we also cannot speak to ensure that our role is right. This is where BPS plays a role in maintaining the policy not wrong direction , "added Susi. "A good policy in MMAF is based on BPS data. Credibility of BPS data is very important. I will keep it because this is on the right track. BPS data is the backbone for what we do," she said.
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