Dialogue Strategy for Boosting Jawa Tengah Export Potential - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Dialogue Strategy for Boosting Jawa Tengah Export Potential

Dialogue Strategy for Boosting Jawa Tengah Export Potential

September 24, 2018 | Other Activities

Statistic Companion, this time BPS was invited as the narrator in the event "Dialogue on Strategies to Boost Jawa Tengah Export Potential to Reduce Trade Balance Deficit and Disseminate Regional Economic and Financial Studies".

Titi Kanti Lestari (@ tekael61) Director of Financial Statistics, Information Technology and Tourism BPS (Jakarta), had the opportunity to give a presentation regarding the export of Jawa Tengah. .Moderated by Firmansyah (@firmansyahfmn) from Undip FEB, the atmosphere became even more exciting and interesting. .

The dialogue which was held on September 24, 2018 by the Jawa Tengah Province Government collaborated with Bank Indonesia at Tlogo Resort Tuntang.(HUMAS / Yy). #bpsprovjateng
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