Statistical Data for a Better Jawa Tengah - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Statistical Data for a Better Jawa Tengah

Statistical Data for a Better Jawa Tengah

August 14, 2024 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, - The Central Statistics Agency of Jawa Tengah Province plays a role in presenting data for regional development. The data produced contains the geographical and climate conditions, government, and the development of socio-demographic and economic conditions of Jawa Tengah. In addition, it can also be used for development planning in all fields, especially the economic field and to evaluate the results of economic development that have been implemented by various parties, both the central government, local governments, and the private sector.

In order to align data, policies and evaluations, the Manpower and Transmigration Office held a working visit to discuss economic and employment data. The visit was led by the Head of Industrial Relations and Social Security, Ratna Dewajati.

The visit was received by the Head of the Social Statistics Indicator Team (Initials), Harjo Teguh and the related team who presented various types of surveys that recorded the level of the economy, workforce, population expenditure, education along with time references and scope.

The hope is that synergy will be established to realize a better growing economy, attract more investors and an increasingly brilliant Jawa Tengah.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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