March 2023 Development of the Combined Consumer Price Index for Six Cities in Central Java experienced an inflation of 0.19 percent. with the highest inflation in the Kudus City of 0.25 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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March 2023 Development of the Combined Consumer Price Index for Six Cities in Central Java experienced an inflation of 0.19 percent. with the highest inflation in the Kudus City of 0.25 percent.

Release Date : April 3, 2023
File Size : 1.44 MB


In March 2023, a combined six cities in Central Java experienced an inflation of 0.19 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 114.25. Of the six CPI cities in Central Java, five cities experienced inflation and one city experienced deflation.
  • The main cause of inflation in March 2023 is the increase in the prices of air transportation, gasoline, purebred chicken eggs, garlic and filter clove cigarettes. The main restraints to inflation were lower prices for shallots, red chilies, rice, cooking oil and train fares.
  • The March 2023 calendar year inflation rate is 0.80 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (March 2023 against March 2022) is 5.22 percent.

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