Launch of Statistics Literacy Innovation and Statistics Love Village of Blora Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Launch of Statistics Literacy Innovation and Statistics Love Village of Blora Regency

Launch of Statistics Literacy Innovation and Statistics Love Village of Blora Regency

August 12, 2024 | Other Activities

BLORA, - To optimize statistical literacy, BPS Blora Regency launched several innovations in its literacy program. The event was opened with a report from the Head of BPS Blora Regency, Rukhedi, followed by a speech and direction from the Head of BPS Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih and Deputy Regent of Blora, Tri Yuli Setyowati.

The innovation launched was the Statistics Love Student (Pecis) program with the tagline "Learning Statistics, Fun and Interesting". In order to create a more optimal statistical organization, BPS Blora Regency also launched the Jatikuat and SateBlora innovations.

This event was also synergized with the launch of the Statistics Love Village (Beautiful Village). The Beautiful Village program aims to increase literacy and the active role of village/sub-district officials, standardize statistical data management, and optimize the use and utilization of statistical data so that village development programs are more targeted.

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