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New round of cooperation Statistics Indonesia and Australia

New round of cooperation Statistics Indonesia and Australia

July 4, 2018 | Other Activities

New round of cooperation Statistics Indonesia and Australia

"I have never heard my national anthem sung with this kind of kur. I wanted to learn to sing after hearing it, "said the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Gary Quinlan to the Excelsior Choir, Statistics Polytechnic (Polstat) STIS, which was greeted with applause from all the participants in the 10th floor of Building 1 BPS BPS, this morning (4/7 ) This warm moment was recorded in the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
The five-year collaboration is a milestone to further strengthen the relationship between the two statistical institutions, as well as a form of recognition of partnership relations between Indonesia and Australia. Head of Statistics Australia, David W Kalisch said the collaboration between BPS and ABS marked a new chapter in the relationship that had existed for 20 years. The BPS and ABS will work together in realizing modernization and statistical transformation, including through the use of big data and data integration.
The Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto explained, in this collaboration BPS's position will change, not only as a recipient of technical assistance, but equally taking part. "There is something ABS can learn from BPS, such as how to record in the archipelago with geographical conditions which is the main challenge of BPS in providing data for all parties," said Kecuk in his remarks.
This new 'round' collaboration will also focus on collaboration between the two in terms of social statistics considering BPS will face the Population Census 2020. In addition, related to Indonesia's macro-economic statistics, international standards in calculating environmental statistics, and supporting the agenda of the United Nations for Development Continuity in 2030. "It is very important for ABS to be involved to help build the neighboring countries (Indonesia, red) in terms of technical capabilities and the need for BPS in innovation, modernization, and collaboration with international statistical committees," explained Kalisch who claimed to sponsor the French Team in 2018 World Cup.
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