BPS Improves ASN Competence with R - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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BPS Improves ASN Competence with R

BPS Improves ASN Competence with R

July 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Data analysis and processing programs have experienced rapid development and are worth studying, one of which is the R Application. This application is not new, but its utilization needs to be improved in the BPS provincial and district/city environments.

In order to improve ASN competence in data analysis, the Jawa Tengah Province BPS held a Sarasehan (Spirit of Competency Upgrade and Knowledge Sharing) entitled Introduction to the R Application and Its Application for the Preparation of Statistical Indicators on Thursday, July 25, 2024. The event was opened by the Head of the Jawa Tengah Province BPS, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, with the speaker being a BPS Middle Expert Statistician, Budi Santoso.

The event, which was held online via Zoom and Youtube streaming, received great enthusiasm from BPS employees, both in Jawa Tengah and outside Jawa Tengah.

R U ready to know more about R? Look forward to the next R Application Sarasehan series!
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