JESS for You, the English Speaking Arena Just for You - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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JESS for You, the English Speaking Arena Just for You

JESS for You, the English Speaking Arena Just for You

July 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Competence as one of the elements in "BERKHLAK" consists of Core Values, increasing one's own competence to respond to ever-changing challenges, helping others learn, and carrying out tasks with the best quality. Responding to these challenges, Central Java Province BPS implemented the "Jateng English Speaking Society" (JESS) program as an effort to improve employees' English language competency.

JESS is applied in communication via the Whatsapp Group (WAG) JESS No Limit and online meetings entitled JESS For You (JFY) serially to provide the experience of communicating directly in English conversations.

The 4th series of Jess for You was held on Friday, 12 July 2024 and was a special session because it was attended by the Head of BPS Central Java Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, as well as PhD Candidate The University of Queensland, Wiji Tri Wilujeng as speakers.

This interactive event has the theme Cities Around The World. In the discussion, Wiji shared stories about PhD life in Queensland. Participants were also given the opportunity to tell stories in the breakout room session.

JESS no limits, a friendly environment for English enthusiasts with no limitations of fun like no other.
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