Qualified IKK Data to Support Acceleration and Equitable Development - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Qualified IKK Data to Support Acceleration and Equitable Development

Qualified IKK Data to Support Acceleration and Equitable Development

June 13, 2023 | Other Activities

Construction Expensive Index (IKK) is a spatial price index that describes the level of construction cost of a district/city based on a reference city. The IKK data is obtained from the results of the Construction Expensive Price Survey (SHKK) which is carried out quarterly in all districts/cities in Indonesia.

BPS Central Java Province held the IKK Regional Reconciliation, 13-16 June 2023 to ensure the fairness and comparability of construction price data between regencies/cities in an area.

The reconciliation that was opened by the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan needs to be carried out to produce quality IKK data because it is one of the components used for calculating the General Allocation Fund (DAU).

In his remarks, Dadang hopes that this regional reconciliation activity can produce representative and quality IKK data, as an indicator of comparability of the level of physical/infrastructure development between regions, so that in turn it can contribute to accelerating and equitable development in all regions.
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