Statistical Tourism at BPS Jawa Tengah Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Statistical Tourism at BPS Jawa Tengah Province

Statistical Tourism at BPS Jawa Tengah Province

November 3, 2022 | Other Activities

Statistics? Just made it fun!

Who says statistics are always complicated and scary. The students of MTs-MA Al Burhan Semarang have proven that there is a fun way to learn statistics.

Yes, it is true. Yesterday (2/11) BPS Central Java Province received a visit from a group of students at MTs-MA Al Burhan Semarang. They were received by the Head of BPS Central Java Province, Adhi Wiriana along with the Statistics Dissemination Team and the Public Relations Team in the Statistics Tourism program.

In this event they were introduced to statistics and information about BPS in a fun way. There's even a quiz with prizes, you know.
What's the fun like?
Watch the following video.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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