Results of Socio Demographic Survey of the Impact of Covid-19 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Results of Socio Demographic Survey of the Impact of Covid-19

Results of Socio Demographic Survey of the Impact of Covid-19

June 3, 2020 | BPS Activities

How affected are you by Covid-19?

The Corona virus in Indonesia has continued to spread since the government was first officially announced on March 2, 2020. Many have reported the impact of the #Covid19 pandemic so broadly, both socially and economically. What are the effects like?

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recently conducted a survey to see the perception of the Indonesian people regarding the pandemic situation and how to react to it. This survey was conducted on 13-20 April 2020, and was followed by 87,379 respondents.

#SahabatStatistik must be curious about the results of the survey, or how is Big Data review of the impact of Covid19 in Indonesia?
Here #Statmin is leaked if the publication already exists and can be downloaded at or can also through the BPS Allstats application. In addition, infographics can be downloaded via
For #SahabatStatistik who participated yesterday as a respondent in this survey, thank you, and don't miss reading the publication!

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