Vesak Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Vesak Day

Vesak Day

May 7, 2020 | Other Activities

Buddha Darma For Policy and Enlightenment.

#SahabatStatistik, did you know that in 2019 there were 577 temples in Central Java spread across 35 districts / cities. And Temanggung Regency is recorded to have the most temples in Central Java, 98 temples.
We present the data sourced from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion in Central Java publication in Figures 2020 which can be downloaded at

Data on the number of followers of religion is recorded in the 2020 Population Census. This is needed by the government as a basis for development planning including the construction of religious facilities.

At the Vesak celebration this year in order to break the chain of distribution of Covid-19, the government appealed to celebrate in their respective homes. This year Vesak's message carries the theme "Buddha Darma for Wisdom and Enlightenment". True Brotherhood Is the Foundation of National Integrity

Let's immediately fill in the data yourself and your family in #SensusPendudukOnline with access to
We wait until May 29, 2020.

@kemenagjateng @permabudhi @mbi_pusat @magabudhi
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