Inauguration and Taking of Oath / Promise of Position - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Inauguration and Taking of Oath / Promise of Position

Inauguration and Taking of Oath / Promise of Position

April 13, 2020 | Other Activities

Unusual scene seen in Central Java Provincial BPS Hall. Today, Thursday (4/23) starting at 13:00 IWST, the inauguration and taking of oath in the BPS were carried out through video conferences from several BPS offices.

The Work From Home (WFH) policy for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), which is part of the social distancing movement or maintaining distance between one another, apparently does not preclude BPS efforts in carrying out its duties and services. One of them is this procession.

In this event, Agus Sudibyo, M.Stat was also inaugurated and an oath was taken. Agus Sudibyo, who is currently the Head of Statistics Central Java Processing and Dissemination Integration (IPDS), was given the mandate of being the new Head of BPS in Riau Islands Province.Congratulations we say, hopefully in carrying out the task always gets the grace and guidance from Allah SWT, and thank you for the service and dedication during serving as Head of the IPDS Division.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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