Inauguration of Supervisory Officers and Functional Officers in BPS Central Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Inauguration of Supervisory Officers and Functional Officers in BPS Central Java Province

Inauguration of Supervisory Officers and Functional Officers in BPS Central Java Province

December 27, 2018 | Other Activities

Towards the end of the year, Head of Central Java Province BPS, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, M.A. appoint 9 Supervisory Officers and 31 Functional Officials within the Central Java Provincial BPS Office.
The following are the names of the Supervisory Officers inaugurated.

1. Dody Saputro, SST, M.Sc - Head of Agricultural Statistics Section of Central Java Province BPS; .
2. Wahyu Suprayogi, SST, MM - Head of Integration Section for Processing and Dissemination of BPS Statistics of Kudus Regency; .
3. Purwanto, SST Head of Section of the IPDS - BPS Blora Regency;
4. Agus Dwi Hartanto, S.E., MM - Head of the Social Statistics Section of BPS Sukoharjo Regency; .
5. Dedy Muryanto, SST, MM - Head of Statistics Statistics at Wonogiri Regency;
6. Novi Hardianto, SST - Head of Integration Section for Processing and Dissemination of BPS Statistics of Wonosobo Regency; .
7. Yusuf Isnandar, S.Si - Head of the BPS Distribution Statistics Section of Wonosobo Regency;
8. Widhi Pranowo, SST - Head of Regional Balance Sheet Section and BPS Statistical Analysis of Wonosobo Regency; .
9. Mujib Darmawan, S.P. - Head of BPS Statistics Production Section of Wonosobo Regency.
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