SHPRB BPS Central Java Province Ditlantas Polda Central Java - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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SHPRB BPS Central Java Province Ditlantas Polda Central Java

SHPRB BPS Central Java Province Ditlantas Polda Central Java

August 30, 2019 | BPS Activities

# SahabatStatistik, Thursday (29/08) yesterday, the Central Java Provincial BPS SHPRB Team had the opportunity to visit the Central Java Regional Police Traffic Directorate as one of the satker proposed by the Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Region (WBBM). The visit of the SHPRB team was to coordinate the evaluation of public services at the Central Java Regional Police Traffic Directorate.
The assessment conducted by Kemenpan RB was carried out as an effort to obtain the title of Clean Bureaucracy and Service for certain work units. The stages of the assessment include the Corruption Perception Index (IPK) and Community Satisfaction Index (IKM). The assessment carried out by Kemenpan RB through the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) was carried out on respondents randomly selected by the Central Java Regional Police service.

Coordination between the Central Java Regional Police Traffic Directorate and BPS began with an explanation from the Central Java Regional Police Traffic Director, Kombes Pol. Rudi Antariksawan, S.H, S.I.K., M.Sc regarding the types of services available at the Central Java Regional Police Traffic Directorate. Next, an explanation by AKBP Arie Syafaat about the types of services and various applications built to serve the community. 📝 [KJ, Dyast]

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