Finding Hope, Problems and Solutions On the sidelines of the FGD event Arranging Input-Output Tables - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Finding Hope, Problems and Solutions On the sidelines of the FGD event Arranging Input-Output Tables

Finding Hope, Problems and Solutions On the sidelines of the FGD event Arranging Input-Output Tables

August 28, 2019 | Other Activities

Finding Hope, Problems and Solutions
On the sidelines of the FGD event the Formulation of Input-Output Tables conducted by Central Java Province BPS 20/8 at MG Setos Hotel there is a venue for participants. This game helps eliminate boredom after participants attend the bookkeeping and discussion. The form of the game consists of participant's testimony to BPS which was applied in Game Tree.

There are three trees with the words Tree of Hope, Tree of Problem and Tree of Solution. Participants save hopes, problems and solutions to BPS data on stick notes and attach them to the trees. Participants who attended were mostly from industrial, trade, transportation and service companies.
The conclusion in the hope tree is easy to fill in the data, easy to access BPS data, BPS data is valid and up to date, the data is well protected.
Conclusion about the problem tree is that people do not understand the importance of data, data is difficult to access, cannot read statistics, masdi @ n @ dwiS
stakeholders who have not been informed by BPS data.

The conclusion on the solution tree is data through local mass media, BPS often conducts socialization, access to the web is made easy, simplifies the questionnaire
The benefit of this feedback is the opportunity to explain the activities of BPS on the efforts of respondents specifically for Inter-Regional Trade on Statistics Law that protects respondents' data. In addition there are Statistics Coaching Clinic from BPS Central Java Province for people who want to know statistics and how to process statistical data. And some feedback is BPS PR to provide the best for the nation.

KJ / Photo: at @ n @ dwiS
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