Happy Monday - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Happy Monday

Happy Monday

July 29, 2019 | Other Activities

Happy Monday, #SahabatStatistik!

Starting this week, there is something special in the 5th floor studio of Central Java Province. Because, Happy Monday in the last week of July this time (29/7) filled by "Iron Man" Central Java BPS, Hendrawan Tony Stark from the Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis Division.

The material presented is related to Bureaucratic Reform, namely How to Respond to Change.
Exposure is presented with interesting videos that add material images and are full of motivation.

In essence, change is inevitable and "Adaptability is the key". There are two requirements for adaptability in the challenge of change, namely skills (skills) and willingness to survive (the desire to survive). Some principles of adaptation:
1. We cannot change the wind, but we can change the direction of our wings.
2. The resources we need are given. Be your best version.
3. Motivation keeps you going, while habits keep you there. Indicator: the desire to learn and take action

So #HahabatStatistik,
Let's be optimistic
Do not ever complain
Make an action

Monday morning is a reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you! 📝: agitadewi
  : at @ n @ dwiS, agitadewi

#Monday happy
# bureaucratic reform
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Statistics of Jawa Tengah Province)Jl.Pahlawan No. 6 Telp. 024 - 8412802


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