Happy Monday : Empathy Creates Teamwork - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Happy Monday : Empathy Creates Teamwork

Happy Monday : Empathy Creates Teamwork

March 25, 2019 | Other Activities

"Most people spend 70% of their time communicating. 45% of them were used to listen. "Good morning #SatabatStatistik. On this (Monday, 25/3) Happy Monday edition, Ies Driarti, Head of the Finance and Producer Prices Section, Distribution Statistics Sector invited the BPS Jawa Tengah Province staff to learn to listen and learn to empathize. This empathy is expected to increase engagement among employees, which in turn creates solid teamwork in the Central Java Province BPS environment. EMPATHY CREATES TEAMWORK.

Happy Monday is a communication place between Central Java Province BPS staff who are held every Monday morning at the 5th floor hall. [Agitadewi]
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