KPPU Kanwil IV visits BPS in Central Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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KPPU Kanwil IV visits BPS in Central Java Province

KPPU Kanwil IV visits BPS in Central Java Province

July 23, 2019 | BPS Activities

KPPU Kanwil IV

KPPU or Business Competition Supervisory Commission (23/7) visits BPS in Central Java Province. The visit was not only to stay in touch with others, but also to introduce KPPU to the nomenclature as a Regional Office which before 10 June 2019 was a Representative Office.

The group led directly by the Head of Regional Office IV, Dendy R Sutrisno was received by the Head of Nerwilis, Samiran joined his ranks.

As an institution that supports business competition, supporting data becomes very important in solving problems that occur in the business world.

The meeting also discussed various phenomena from the KPPU's perspective and the BPS's perspective. Weighted discussions, hopes and solutions are discussed to be policy input.

Thus #SahabatStatistik, provides input for the prosperity of this nation every institutional and individual rights. BPS is happy, of course, with the data we produce and can be downloaded at https //: 📝📷 [KJ, at @ n @ dwiS]

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