Evaluation of 2017-2018 SPI Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Evaluation of 2017-2018 SPI Activities

Evaluation of 2017-2018 SPI Activities

July 16, 2019 | BPS Activities

Evaluation of 2017-2018 SPI Activities

Tuesday (16/7), BPS Prov. Central Java welcomed guests from the KPK which consisted of 4 people. The meeting by the Head of Administration Section of Central Java Province BPS, on Parlindungan Lubis was accompanied by the Kasi Stat. Hansos Stat Division. Sosial, Sutirin, and one representative from the BPS RI Sub Directorate of Politics and Security.

The purpose of the KPK group's visit was to conduct the 2017-2018 SPI evaluation activities, for the sake of improving the survey implementation in the coming year. The Friends of Statistics certainly support what the SPI (Integrity Assessment Survey) has to do with the KPK. Yup .... this survey cannot be separated from the duties and functions of the KPK in corruption repair.

One root of the problem of corruption is low integrity at the organizational and individual levels. Integrity is something that needs to be instilled early on to prevent corruption. Without improvements to integration, any system will always appear collusion. For this reason, tools needed are needed by Ministries / Institutions and Local Governments to map integration agreements, develop coverage and action programs, and collect planning strategies to strengthen corruption. Therefore, the KPK organizes SPI, implementing with BPS. The KPK-BPS collaboration in implementing SPI has been started since 2016.
One of the SPI target samples for 2017 is the Regency Government. Klaten. While the 2018 SPI sample targets are 6 K / L and 20 Provincial Governments. One of them is the Prov. Central Java

The instruments used in the field implementation included questionnaires in the form of an android application. So Statistics Friends don't need to worry, the confidentiality of the respondents will be afraid, because the respondent himself is directly filling in the answers to the Android tablet, without the knowledge of the enumerator. And another thing, the output of SPI consists of indexes not individual data.
📝 [KJ, m321y]
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