Islamic Practice Board (BAI) BPS of Central Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Islamic Practice Board (BAI) BPS of Central Java Province

Islamic Practice Board (BAI) BPS of Central Java Province

June 2, 2019 | Other Activities

Friends of Statistics, during the Islamic Ramadhan Agency (BAI) month, BPS Central Java Province has several programs to enliven Ramadan, every day attending the Religious Lecture review every Monday and Thursday by presenting speakers from the Internal and External BPS. Tahsin and Tafsir studies every Tuesday and Wednesday to learn to read and understand the meaning of the Qur'an. Muslimah studies specifically discuss about Muslim women every Friday. All studies are carried out after the Dhuhur prayer in congregation.

In addition to lecture studies, the program that received enthusiasm from Muslim Muslims, BPS of Central Java Province was IHSAN (Iftar and Santunan) sharing iftar and compensation for orphans in orphanages as well as the community around BPS offices in Central Java Province.

Friday (5/31) coincides with the 26th of Ramadan, the last day of the Lively Ramadhan 1440 H BPS of Central Java Province which means there are only a few days left until the last Ramadhan. May Allah accept all of our acts of worship during the month of Ramadan and provide to facilitate our activities for the next 11 months to be able to meet Ramadan again. Aamiin

Swipe right, to see the excitement of our Lively Ramadan, (KJ o.dw, 📷 All Teams)
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