PMTB Quality Assurance (PK) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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PMTB Quality Assurance (PK)

PMTB Quality Assurance (PK)

May 14, 2019 | BPS Activities

PMTB Quality Assurance (PK)

Do you still remember the PMTB Disaggregation Survey? Which is published on IG

Now approved Quality Assurance (PK) from the survey activities. What is PK? And what is the benefit for PMTB data collection results?

PK is the process of establishing and fulfilling quality standards created and managed, consumers, producers, and other interested parties obtain satisfaction. The quality of BPS data is quality data, on target and in accordance with SOP. To guarantee the quality of PMTB data, BPS RI immediately sends PK PMTB officers to all Provinces in Indonesia.
And in Central Java, PK PMTB will start on May 13-17, 2019 with PK samples at BPS Kota Semarang. Starting the PK activity on May 13, 2019, an entrance meeting was held in the Central Java Province BPS hall with participants from the Central Java Regional Statistical Analysis (NWAS) Regional Head, Semarang City BPS Head, Semarang City BPS Head, Batang Regency BPS, structural officials and NWAS staff and BPS PMTB officers Semarang city. Opening Meeting, filled with presentation by Fatma Yuliana, S.ST about PK and discussion agreed by PMTB officers compiling in the field.

As a National Program, PMTB data will be used to formulate government policies and for the business world PMTB data as a barometer for investing. Well, managing the PMTB data is strategic, the quality of the data must be completed for the progress of the nation's development. 📝📷 [KJ, at @ n @ dwiS]

# Quality Assurance
Badan Pusat Statistik

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