Qualified HR for Quality Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Qualified HR for Quality Data

Qualified HR for Quality Data

April 23, 2019 | Other Activities

Qualified HR for Quality Data

BPS's mission as a provider of quality data is not only for the technical side. Improving the quality of human resources also continues to be improved. Located in the Central Java BPS processing room, Tuesday (23/04) as many as 48 Functional Statistics in the Central Java Province BPS Environment received competency tests.

The competency test is a test that must be completed by all, functional, statisticians, who will advance to a higher level.
Before the test began, the participants were briefed directly by the Head of the BPS Civil Service Bureau, Sugeng Arianto, M.Sc.

Serious faces appeared on all participants. It seems like the problem is difficult with #statistics. Good luck to all participants and then they can make a maximum contribution to BPS.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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