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NAWACITA, Realization of Food Self-Sufficiency in Indonesia
April 10, 2019 | BPS Activities
#Sahabatstatistik must have heard about NAWACITA, right?
Yup, you must be familiar with that term. Now one of the ideals in NAWACITA is the realization of Food Self-Sufficiency in Indonesia. One of its efforts is the government is very aggressively implementing programs related to increasing agricultural commodity production capacity today.
The availability of timely and accurate agricultural data is the main foundation for realizing targeted agricultural policies. for this reason, improvements to the methodology in collecting agricultural data must be done. Not long ago, precisely in October 2018, BPS has successfully released national rice / rice production data using the Area Sample Framework (KSA) method. Whereas in 2019 BPS will improve production data for other strategic commodities such as corn using the KSA method.
Located at the R-Gina Pemalang Hotel (9/4), the opening of 2019 Corn KSA Officer Training will be held in 2 (two) waves from April 8-14 2019 by the Head of Statistics of Production BPS Jawa Tengah Province.