The Excitement of the Doorprize of the Yasa Sejati Cooperative BPS Jawa Tengah Province . - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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The Excitement of the Doorprize of the Yasa Sejati Cooperative BPS Jawa Tengah Province .

The Excitement of the Doorprize of the Yasa Sejati Cooperative BPS Jawa Tengah Province .

April 2, 2019 | Other Activities

If it's usually quiet, now the 5th floor hall of BPS Jawa Tengah Province is in an uproar !!! Tuesday, April 2, 2019 is indeed different from other days. What happened? There was a furor because members of the Yasa Sejati Cooperative BPS Jawa Tengah Province were fighting for doorprize prizes. At the KPRI Yasa Sejati Annual Member Meeting this 2018 Book Year, doorprizes were distributed in a different way from previous years, that is the 'cabutan' system. Selected doorprize winners are entitled to choose their own prizes according to the lottery numbers that have been taken. The grand prize consists of washing machines, bicycles, wardrobes, etc. waiting to be contested.

#SahabatStatistik must be excited too when waiting for the door prize announcement, huh? We look forward to who is entitled to the top prize!
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