New Service Car, New Spirit - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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New Service Car, New Spirit

New Service Car, New Spirit

March 27, 2019 | Other Activities

What do you do if the operational vehicle that normally accompanies your daily routine is often damaged, or the maintenance costs are bigger each month, or if the total maintenance costs accumulated are almost the same as buying a new vehicle?

Surely if conditions permit, you will choose to buy a new vehicle right?

This is felt by the
BPS Regency / City in Jawa Tengah. The condition of operational service cars that are 14 years old since 2005, is no longer prime in accompanying the solid routines of data fighters in the BPS Regency / City. High maintenance costs due to the frequent damage that occurs make the BPS Regency / City send a proposal to the Central BPS in Jakarta to provide a budget for the procurement of new official cars.

Thankful that the proposal was accepted and the budget was disbursed through BPS Jawa Tengah Province. And in March 2019, the new official car has been sent to 27 approved
BPS Regency / City.
Hopefully with this new official car, the new fighters will be encouraged by the data in the
BPS Regency / City.
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