The Spirit of Exploring Women's Potential Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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The Spirit of Exploring Women's Potential Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045

The Spirit of Exploring Women's Potential Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045

December 27, 2024 | Other Activities

WONOGIRI, - Completing the working visit agenda at the Wonogiri Regency Central Statistics Agency (BPS) on Friday 27 December 2024, BPS Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics Pudji Ismartini had the opportunity to deliver a keynote speech at a webinar entitled "Uncovering the Potential of Women Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045". The webinar was organized by BPS Jawa Tengah Province to commemorate Mother's Day 2024, with the sole resource person being the Head of BPS Jawa Tengah Province Endang Tri Wahyuningsih.
In his keynote speech, Pudji said that women are not only part of the narrative, but also part of the leaders of change.

In this webinar, the Head of Jawa Tengah Province BPS explained the Strategic Role of Jawa Tengah Women. Endang highlighted the role of women as stated in the fourth Asta Cita which ensures that women are not only involved but also empowered in the national development process.

As moderator was Medha Wardhani, and also present at the event was the Head of BPS Surakarta City, Ratna Setyowati and Head of BPS Karanganyar Regency Yul Ismardani
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