Workshop on Writing Scientific Writing in 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Workshop on Writing Scientific Writing in 2019

Workshop on Writing Scientific Writing in 2019

March 26, 2019 | Other Activities

"Writing the book is just nonsense if the goal is to be famous, or to be arrogant because you have written a book, it is tantamount to nonsense if all you are looking for is money.
Writing then publishing it in bulk, must be with an idealism. That writing brought many changes to the lives of others. There must be good in it. Not just selling paper, ink, and glue, then just feel proud of it "
-Nadia Aghnia Fadhillah-

An inspirational quote read by the MC during the Workshop on Writing Scientific Writing in 2019 BPS Jawa Tengah Province held in the V floor hall, March 21, 2019, with interesting speakers as well .... @ teman_rully and @dianadwisusanti "Hopefully more reliable writers from BPS" will be born
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