Consumer Price survey (SHK) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Consumer Price survey (SHK)

Consumer Price survey (SHK)

March 26, 2019 | BPS Activities

The price increase not only made the mothers scream, but also became the spotlight of various parties.

Regarding this matter, BPS implements a Consumer Price Survey (SHK) which aims to capture the price movements of goods / services commonly consumed by the public. SHK is implemented in 6 Jawa Tengah CPI Cities with coverage of 266-417 goods / services whose prices are monitored every month.

Enumeration of price data is done weekly, biweekly, and monthly. For certain goods / services which are staples such as rice, oil, meat, eggs, onions, chili, our officers conduct enumeration every week on Monday / Tuesday so that the price movements can be better photographed.

Well, #SahabatStatistik is curious about the results of monitoring prices in March? Look forward to the results in a press release INFLATION, April 1, and can be accessed at
Stay tune on BPS Jawa Tengah Province channel!
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