Preparation and Standardization of Sectoral Data for SKPD of Central Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Preparation and Standardization of Sectoral Data for SKPD of Central Java Province

Preparation and Standardization of Sectoral Data for SKPD of Central Java Province

January 10, 2019 | Other Activities

Good morning before noon #SahabatStatistik
This morning the Head of Central Java BPS IPDS, Agus Sudibyo along with Head of the DLS Rio B Gunawan attended a meeting invitation from the Provincial Office of Communication and Information. Central Java.
This meeting discussed the Preparation and Standardization of Sectoral Data for SKPD in Central Java Province.
In addition to Central Java Provincial BPS, there were also representatives from Bappedalitbangda Prov. Central Java.
The discussion was conducted to equalize perceptions, inventory readiness and strategy in an effort to realize the Saatu Data.
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