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Jawa Tengah Data Forum at Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga
March 26, 2018 | BPS Activities
Monday (26/3) Head of BPS Provinsi jawa Tengah Margo Yuwono was invited to be the guest speaker at the "Jawa Tengah Data Forum" held at the Grand Wahid Hotel Salatiga by Diskominfo, Jawa Tengah. In the event which was attended by the Office Secretary and data processing staff of the Jawa Tengah Province and Statistics Office and also the District / City Diskominfo data processing staff throughout Jawa Tengah, Margo Yuwono conveyed the steps taken in an effort to strengthen the implementation of sectoral statistics. These steps include: 1. "Friday Gayeng" Program in WAG BPS - Diskominfo. An effort to explore the problems and development needs of sectoral statistics. 2. Increased HR capabilities through the Statistical Coaching Clinic program 3. Compilation of Jawa Tengah in Numbers online 4. Optimize the One Data Forum 5. Encourage Diskominfo as Data Guardian and Social Service as data producers in the Integrated Database (BDT) Update 6. Preparation of SDGs documents: Regional Action Plans (RAD). In this session which lasted more than 2 hours, the participants were enthusiastic enough, judging by the number of participants who asked.