Construction Cost Index Jawa Tengah Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Construction Cost Index Jawa Tengah Province 2022

Catalog Number : 7102025.33
Publication Number : 33000.2309
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : March 23, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.88 MB


The publication of the Construction Cost Index for the Province of Central Java contains information on Regency/City Construction Cost Index (IKK) figures in the Province of Central Java which are presented in the form of tables and regional maps. IKK is a price index that describes the level of construction cost of a district/city compared to a reference city. In 2022, the reference city used is Semarang City. Considerations in choosing a reference city are based on the index value of a city that is close to the national average index and the completeness of the data. The data presented in this publication were obtained from the results of the Construction Expensive Price Survey (SHKK) specifically for building/construction materials, heavy equipment rental, and wages. construction services carried out in all districts/cities in Indonesia. The data processed comes from price data for the third and fourth quarters of 2020 and the first and second quarters of 2021. The calculation of the IKK weighing chart uses Bill of Quantity (BoQ) data; data on the volume of materials, equipment rental, and labor wages in the Work Unit Price Analysis Book of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing; as well as data on the realization of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). The 2022 IKK is one of the main components used for calculating the General Allocation Fund (DAU) for the 2023 Fiscal Year.
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