Directory of Construction Companies in Central Java Province 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Directory of Construction Companies in Central Java Province 2019

Catalog Number : 1305033.33
Publication Number : 33530.2001
ISSN/ISBN : 2655-0199
Release Date : May 7, 2020
File Size : 11.09 MB


Publication of the Directory of Construction Companies in Central Java Province 2019 is the result of the 2016 Economic Census Company / Business Registration which is carried out by field checking (updating) and is completed with construction companies which are the result of annual routine activities. This includes the stage of quoting from the relevant Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), the Construction Association and other related institutions and continued by matching construction companies.
This publication contains the complete and up-to-date information on the Construction Company Directory. Company directory information includes the name of the company / business, qualifications, address, telephone number and email address of a legal construction company by regency / city in the area of Central Java Province in 2019.
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