Statistics Politics and Security Jawa Tengah 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Statistics Politics and Security Jawa Tengah 2014

Catalog Number : 4601001.33
Publication Number : 335201509
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-0916-46-0
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 30, 2015
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.81 MB


Political development since the reform era has been growing rapidly, reflected in the number of political parties participating in the election as well as the growing imbalance role of executive and legislative bodies. Additionally, with the implementation of regional autonomy and local elections directly create more dynamic politics in Indonesia. The dynamics that occur in the world of politics impact on other areas, especially the field of security. Political and security related to each other. When politics affect the safety and security at other times of political influence. The development of a dynamic political and security requires a tool for monitoring. Because it is necessary to the data monitor political and security dynamics. Publication Statistics Politic and Security Jawa Tengah Province in 2014 was the result of the Central Bureau of Statistics survey of Jawa Tengah Province obtained from the Regenc/City in Jawa Tengah during 2014 were sourced from another institution. In this publication presented a description of the scope of the data and technical terms are used, so that data users will better understand the information presented.
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