Catalog Number | : | 7102019.33 |
Publication Number | : | 33542.0901 |
ISSN/ISBN | : | - |
Publishing Frequency | : | Annualy |
Release Date | : | December 31, 2009 |
Language | : | Indonesian |
File Size | : | 2.22 MB |
Terms of Trade (NTP) Jawa Tengah 2008 is structured to provide data NTP
Jawa Tengah development per month in the year 2008 for a five (5)
sub-sectors in agriculture, as well as presents the development of NTP
in five (5) provinces in Java. In this publication is also presented
concepts, definitions and methodology used in calculating the NTP. This
meant that the data user can understand the calculations, as well as the
concept of NTP as a measure of the ability of the exchange value of
goods produced by farmers for goods or services that are needed for
household consumption and the need to produce agricultural commodities.
NTP as one means of measuring well-being of farmers can give you an idea
how big the capability of measuring the commodities produced with
purchased by farmers in 2014. Presentation of data NTP continuous,
regular and timely can be a valuable input for decision / policy level
provinces and regency, especially decisions / policies that directly
touch the interests of farmers.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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