February 2019 : Unemployment Rate of Jawa Tengah is 4.22 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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February 2019 : Unemployment Rate of Jawa Tengah is 4.22 percent

Release Date : May 6, 2019
File Size : 0.91 MB


  • The number of workforce in Jawa Tengah in February 2019 was 18.59 million people, an increase of 0.36 million people compared to February 2018. In line with that the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) was 70.21 percent..
  • In the past year, there have been an increase of around 10,000 people in absolute unemployment, but the increase in unemployment is far lower than the increase in the number of people working so that the TPT rate drops by 0.01 percentage point to 4.22 percent in February 2019 compared to February 2018. the highest was found in residents with Diploma education, which was 8.41 percent.A  total of 10.73 million people (60.24 percent) work in informal activities. During the past year, informal workers rose by 0.22 percentage points compared to February 2018
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