Realizing Optimal Sectoral Statistics BPS-Statistics Jawa Tengah Launches SIPESAT Application - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Realizing Optimal Sectoral Statistics BPS-Statistics Jawa Tengah Launches SIPESAT Application

Realizing Optimal Sectoral Statistics BPS-Statistics Jawa Tengah Launches SIPESAT Application

February 25, 2025 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, - In order to support the implementation of sectoral statistics within the Jawa Tengah Provincial Government, the Jawa Tengah Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) innovated with the SIPESAT application (Sectoral Statistics Assessment Information System). SIPESAT is a supporting application to facilitate assessment and evaluation of the implementation of sectoral statistics within the Jawa Tengah Provincial Government. SIPESAT facilitates assessments in the domains of SDI Principles, Data Quality, Business Processes, Institutions, and National Statistical Systems.

SIPESAT was officially launched by the Head of BPS for Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih on Tuesday, February 25 2025. In the event entitled Development of Sectoral Statistics in 2025: Implementation of One Indonesian Data and Launching of SIPESAT, Endang explained the importance of collaboration between BPS and Regional Governments in improving the quality of implementing sectoral statistics. This collaboration is expected to increase the Statistical Development Index (IPS).

The 2025 Sectoral Statistics Development was carried out in a hybrid manner in the 5th Floor Hall of BPS Jawa Tengah Province, which was attended by participants from departments/agencies within the Jawa Tengah Provincial Government offline and Heads of BPS districts/cities throughout Jawa Tengah online. This event is a manifestation of Jawa Tengah Province BPS's commitment to improving the quality of implementing sectoral statistics.
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