Completely Discuss Employee Discipline and Efficiency in Scrambled (Fun and Interesting Chat) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Completely Discuss Employee Discipline and Efficiency in Scrambled (Fun and Interesting Chat)

Completely Discuss Employee Discipline and Efficiency in Scrambled (Fun and Interesting Chat)

February 10, 2025 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, - Different from usual, on Happy Monday activities at the beginning of February, the Jawa Tengah Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) held a special Happy Monday activity (fun and interesting chat) on Monday, February 10 2025. The activity was attended by all ASN BPS Jawa Tengah Province offline in the BPS Hall of Jawa Tengah Province, as well as all ASN BPS districts/cities throughout Jawa Tengah online via Zoom Meeting and the YouTube channel of BPS Jawa Tengah Province.

The activity, which carried the theme of employee discipline and budget efficiency, began with directions from the Head of BPS for Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih. Endang said that employee discipline is an important key for an ASN. Employee Discipline Character increases promotional opportunities for ASN and accelerates the achievement of agency goals. On the other hand, declining discipline can slow down the achievement of agency goals.
Endang also conveyed several indicators for assessing disciplinary attitudes, namely punctuality and compliance with regulations
and Responsibility in carrying out tasks.

This Happy Monday is also special with the release of employees who change jobs due to promotions. No less special, the January 2024 ASN of the Month election was also held, where in the AoTM selection this time a new mechanism was implemented, namely by including a 360 assessment in the hope of providing better results.
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