Internalization of Risk Management Preparation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Internalization of Risk Management Preparation

Internalization of Risk Management Preparation

January 14, 2025 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, - To support the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (RB) and the Maturity of SPIP Implementation, especially regarding the preparation of risk management, the Jawa Tengah Province BPS RB Team held an Internalization of Risk Management Arrangement on Tuesday, January 14 2025. Present as a resource person was the Young Expert Auditor from the BPS Inspectorate, Alfidiyansyah Ardief.

The event, which was held in a hybrid manner, was attended by all Regency/City BPS RB Teams throughout Jawa Tengah and was opened by the Head of BPS Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih. 

In his direction, Endang quoted Michael Masterson's great sentence that success is not achieved by taking reckless or uncalculated risks, but by managing risks intelligently and wisely. 

Meanwhile, Chair of the Jawa Tengah Province BPS RB Team, Panular Dinu Satomo, stated that the aim of this internalization was to provide understanding to employees appointed as potential members of the Risk Management Team (MR), about how to prepare MR in accordance with standards.
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