Jawa Tengah Province BPS Encourage Improvement of Work Unit Services Towards WBK - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Jawa Tengah Province BPS Encourage Improvement of Work Unit Services Towards WBK

Jawa Tengah Province BPS  Encourage Improvement of Work Unit Services Towards WBK

October 29, 2024 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, jateng.bps.go.id - Integrity Zone (ZI) is a title given to government agencies that are committed to realizing a Corruption Free Zone (WBK) in terms of preventing corruption, and a Clean Serving Bureaucracy Zone (WBBM) in terms of improving the quality of public services. And BPS Grobogan Regency, a work unit in BPS Central Java Province which is currently undergoing a series of stages in obtaining the WBK predicate.

Field Verification was carried out to provide evaluation and input needed by BPS Grobogan in preparing all aspects to obtain the WBK, on ​​Tuesday, 29 October 2024, BPS Region III Inspector, Efliza, together with the Team, went directly to review every aspect that was assessed in the WBK , Efliza reviewed each pillar in the Bureaucratic Reform (RB) of public services, PST, as well as the completeness and suitability of Grobogan Regency BPS infrastructure.

 On the same occasion, the Head of BPS for Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, was present to accompany the BPS Region III Inspector, also giving direction to all Grobogan Regency BPS employees and emphasizing the importance of integrity and innovation in service delivery. Endang also opened a warm discussion to build closer communication with Grobogan Regency BPS employees.

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