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National Statistics Day Sports Week 2024
September 19, 2024 | Other Activities
SEMARANG, - National Statistics Day (HSN) which is commemorated every September 26, is a momentum to foster awareness of the importance of statistics in every aspect of life. To make HSN more lively, BPS carries out a series of activities in September. In 2024, BPS Jawa Tengah Province did not miss out on playing a role in enlivening HSN. A series of exciting activities were carried out by BPS Jawa Tengah Province in the HSN celebration, which involved internal BPS provinces and regencies/cities throughout Jawa Tengah as well as the general public.
The series of HSN 2024 activities at BPS Jawa Tengah Province opened with a sports competition held on September 12-13, 2024 at the Tri Lomba Juang GOR Semarang. Several sports that were competed were tennis, table tennis, badminton, and futsal. The first tennis ball hit by the head of BPS Jawa Tengah Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, marked the start of the activity and was continued with gymnastics with all the contingents who would compete.
By holding a sports competition, it is hoped that HSN 2024 will be more lively and increase the sportsmanship and solidarity of BPS employees throughout Jawa Tengah.