Internalization of Administration Applications - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Internalization of Administration Applications

Internalization of Administration Applications

September 18, 2024 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, - The use of applications in government agency activities is a form of innovation that aims to improve performance and develop services to the community. Examples of applications used are the Srikandi archiving application and the WebGaji financial application.

To improve ASN's understanding of these applications, the Jawa Tengah Province BPS held a series of internalization activities in order to improve the quality of administration on September 10-12, 2024 in the 5th Floor Hall of the Jawa Tengah Province BPS. This activity was opened by the Head of the Jawa Tengah Province BPS, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, and was attended by the Head of the General Sub-Division and BPS archive management officials for districts/cities throughout Jawa Tengah.

This activity is expected to improve the quality of administration of BPS districts/cities throughout Jawa Tengah in using the Srikandi application in accordance with the provisions of the preparation of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), as well as overcome problems that arise in the use of financial applications.
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