Commemoration Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Commemoration Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence

Commemoration Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence

August 17, 2024 | Other Activities

SEMARANG, - Head of BPS Central Java Province, Endang Tri Wahyuningsih attended the Flag Raising Ceremony on Saturday, August 17, 2024 at Pancasila Square, Simpanglima Semarang. Acting as the Inspector of the Ceremony, Acting Governor of Central Java, Nana Sudjana.

At the same time, BPS Central Java Province held a Commemoration Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence in the yard of the BPS Central Java Province office. Acting as the ceremony instructor, Head of General Affairs of BPS Central Java Province, Joko Suwarjo. The ceremony was attended by employees at BPS Central Java Province.

Joko conveyed the mandate from the Acting Head of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti. In the mandate, BPS must ensure the availability of the main development indicators to fulfill the RPJMN, RPJMD, and SDGs. In addition, BPS must ensure that sectoral statistics must meet the One Data Principle. BPS must also provide insight into the data produced as a basis for forming national policies.

Indonesia's New Archipelago Moves Forward to Independence!!!
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