BPS Of Cental Java Province and ITESA Increase Collaboration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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BPS Of Cental Java Province and ITESA Increase Collaboration

BPS Of Cental Java Province and ITESA Increase Collaboration

June 24, 2024 | Other Activities

As a statistics campus, the Muhammadiyah Semarang Institute of Statistics and Business Technology (ITESA) needs to collaborate with BPS Central Java Province to find the best strategy to increase competitiveness. BPS also has the task of disseminating statistical activities to the wider community. For this reason, the Head of BPS for Central Java Province, Dadang Hardiwan and the Chancellor of ITESA, Nurul Huda agreed to increase the cooperation that has been built so far.

Taking place in the Central Java Province BPS Hall, on Monday, June 24 2024, the two parties discussed points of cooperation, including student internships, statistics practitioner lecturers, statistics dissemination, and much more.

This collaboration is a concrete manifestation of Central Java Province BPS's contribution in the field of education to build national statistics in the tertiary environment.
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