4 New Masters Ready to Lead District/City BPS in Central Java - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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4 New Masters Ready to Lead District/City BPS in Central Java

4 New Masters Ready to Lead District/City BPS in Central Java

May 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Several Regency/City BPS Heads in Central Java have entered retirement this year. As his replacement, the Head of Central Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan appointed 4 (four) Regency/City BPS Heads to fill these positions. The inauguration and taking the oath of office were held at the Central Java Province BPS Hall on Thursday, May 2 2024.

The officials appointed are:
1. Ade Sandi Parwoto as Head of BPS Kendal Regency,
2. Windy Prabowo Setyawan as Head of BPS Brebes Regency,
3. Agus Kadaryanto as Head of BPS Salatiga City, and
4. Maibu Barwis Sugiharto as Head of BPS Pekalongan Regency.

In his speech, Dadang asked all appointed officials to be good role models for other employees.

"I ask all officials appointed today to be role models for other colleagues in carrying out their duties and functions. Always maintain the independence and integrity of BPS," he said.
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