Deputy Cabinet Secretariat Appreciates the Construction of the New BPS Office for Pekalongan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Deputy Cabinet Secretariat Appreciates the Construction of the New BPS Office for Pekalongan Regency

Deputy Cabinet Secretariat Appreciates the Construction of the New BPS Office for Pekalongan Regency

April 24, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS Main Secretary, Atqo Mardiyanto inaugurated the new BPS Pekalongan Regency office on Wednesday, April 24 2024. The office building which was previously located in the Tirto District area, has now moved to Jalan Rinjani Number 3 Tanjungsari Village, Kajen District, right in the area of the Regency Government Office Complex Pekalongan. In his speech, Atqo said that the building with a building area of 670m2 which stands on 1,500m2 of land is the most magnificent district level BPS office in Indonesia. The status of the land has also become State Property (BMN), namely in the name of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia c.q. BPS RI.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Deputy for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, Purnomo Sucipto, appreciated the inauguration of the Pekalongan Regency BPS Office, which he said was quite representative. Purnomo hopes that with this new building, employee morale, authority and performance will increase. Purnomo also expressed his appreciation for the neatness of the BPS organization. He said that BPS had been carrying out quiet work but had a big impact on the country's development.
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